May 23, 2007 -- Radar, which attacked this editor as "weird and lonely," is denying today that it received its seed money from neo-cons

publication date: May 25, 2007
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May 23, 2007 -- Radar, which attacked this editor as "weird and lonely," is denying today that it received its seed money from neo-cons. Publisher Mort Zuckerman, friend of neo-cons everywhere and lickspittle for Binyamin Netanyahu, is certainly not a liberal. Radar insists it is not right-wing but left-wing. Let's see: a left-wing site goes after David Letterman for his comment about Cheney and the DC Madam and insurgent Democratic presidential candidate Mike Gravel. I think we know what they are.

Read about Mort Zuckerman and Radar.

By the way, Radar is all pissy over the New York Post's Page 6 story on Paul Wolfowitz, where we are cited. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that the Post is the chief competitor of Mort Zuckerman's New York Daily News. We report, you decide.

We know who the Bush administration's friends are in the blogosphere. Read this and find out who they are. Another popular web site piled on Deborah Jeane Palfrey, saying its was shameful that she was in the escort business. The same web site also failed to display the tail number of Rush Limbaugh's Dominican Republic Viagra sex-fest Gulfstream's private jet arrival report, thus preventing the aircraft's past travel records from being examined more closely.

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