April 6-8, 2012 --UPDATED WITH CLARIFICATION 4/16/12. Defamation suit dropped against Larry Sinclair, other defendants

publication date: Apr 6, 2012
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April 6-8, 2012 -- UPDATED WITH CLARIFICATION 4/16/12. Defamation suit dropped against Larry Sinclair, other defendants

In a law suit largely ignored by the corporate media that had political ramifications far beyond charges of defamation, Daniel Parisi, a website operator who claimed that Larry Sinclair, author of a book that alleges that President Obama had engaged twice in homosexual trysts, had libeled Parisi, has voluntarily dismissed all charges against Sinclair; his publisher, Sinclair publishing; Jeff Rense, a radio show host who wrote the foreword to Sinclair's book; and Sinclair's book distributors, Ingram Content Group and Lightning Sources, Inc. The request for dismissal of the complaint against Sinclair and his publishing arm was made to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and the request for dismissal of the complaints against Rense and the distributors, except for Amazon.com, was made to both the U.S. Court and the U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C.

The decision effectively ends an appeal process by Parisi; his websites Whitehouse.com, Whitehouse Networks Inc, and Whitehouse Networks; and his Patton Boggs attorneys of the February 28, 2012, decision of U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Richard Leon dismissing the case against Sinclair, Rense, Sinclair's book sellers, and his book distributors. Had the appeals process continued, oral arguments would have been scheduled for September and October of this year, a few weeks before the presidential election. An appeal is still pending against Amazon.com, one of Sinclair's book sellers.

In 2008, when Sinclair first made his allegations about Obama's past homosexual activity known to the public, the Hillary Clinton campaign made contact with Sinclair during the primary seeking further details. WMR was told that a scenario of mutually-assured destruction was laid down by the Obama campaign to Clinton campaign senior staffers: if the Clinton people brought up the gay issue with Obama, they would respond with past lesbian accusations against Mrs. Clinton.

This year, the fact that Sinclair has managed to defeat one of Washington's most powerful and politically-connected law firms, Patton Boggs, by arguing his case pro se, means that the Romney campaign may have seen the festering allegations against Obama as a weak point to be exploited. The dismissal of the original complaint and appeals against Sinclair et al obviously has the White House hoping the "gay issue" with Obama will simply "go away."

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