January 3-5, 2014 -- NSA has capability to zap cell phone users with RF energy

publication date: Jan 3, 2014
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January 3-5, 2014 -- NSA has capability to zap cell phone users with RF energy

According to a set of documents from the National Security Agency's ANT division, which likely stands for Access or Advanced Network Technology, the NSA has fielded special units which drive up the RF output of cell phones. According to medical experts, the increased radiation can cause brain cancer, skin burns, and eye cataracts.

The NSA unit is code named WATERWITCH.

WMR's editor discovered this technology the hard way when he received a second degree burn while talking on a Samsung cell phone in January 2011.

On January 10, 2011, WMR reported that this editor was under increased NSA surveillance because of a number of recent exposés of NSA:

"WMR has learned from an NSA source that this editor continues to remain a top priority for NSA electronic surveillance, including phone tapping and e-mail interception. NSA is also monitoring all those who are in communications with this editor via electronic means. WMR has previously reported on this web site's sources and contacts being major targets for NSA surveillance. Just as the latest report of NSA surveillance was received, this editor experienced a second-degree burn with blistering on the right neck and shoulder, usually where my cell phone is placed during conversations. The latest warning about NSA eavesdropping was received on January 8. The burn, that began as what can be described as a bad sunburn, began on the evening of January 6. The contour of the burn mark is oddly similar to the two equal halves of my flip-top telephone, with a white stripe in the middle where the hinge is located."

Second degree burns on Wayne Madsen's right shoulder and neck after January 2011 warning of increased NSA phone surveillance.

It now appears that the editor was subjected to a blast from WATERWITCH targeting and "finishing" signal boosting unit that works with the TYPHON equipment interrogator. The NSA document on WATERWITCH states the unit "emits tone and gives signal strength of target handset" from within a mile of the target.

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