September 7-8, 2015 -- UPDATED DAILY FORUM and Note about WMR's coverage of pedophile scandal in Harrisburg

publication date: Sep 6, 2015
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Note: WMR will be traveling this week to Harrisburg, PA to cover the attempt by what can only be described as the joint Pennsylvania Governor-Penn State pedophile support network to drive Pennsylvania's first Democratic and female Attorney General, Kathleen Kane, from office. Kane has been indicted by Risa Vetri Ferman, a Republican prosecutor in pedophile-friendly Montgomery Count, for leaking grand jury information on a probe of two former state prosecutors, both Republicans. The county is the location of the wealthy "Main Line" of Philadelphia that was a source of a fair share of donations to convicted former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky's Second Mile Foundation. In fact, the foundation was used as a prostitution service to "pimp out" young boys to wealthy donors to the Second Mile Foundation.

The Republican judge investigating the leak of grand jury information, William R. Carpenter, appointed a special prosecutor to probe the leak. That prosecutor is Montgomery County attorney Thomas Carluccio, who is also a Republican. One of Carpenter's judicial colleagues, retired Pennsylvania Supreme Court
Justice Seamus McCaffery, stands accused of sending sexually explicit emails to an employee in the state Attorney General's office. As many as 30 prosecutors and agents within the Pennsylvania attorney general's office, many of them hired by then-Attorney General Tom Corbett, a Republican, transmitted some 75 pornographic images over the state email system.

It would appear that Ferman is more interested in protecting pedophile donors to Sandusky's foundation than in exposing the wider pedophile network that supported Sandusky's actions at Penn State and Second Mile. Ferman has also made it clear that she wants Kane's job as Pennsylvania Attorney General, which makes Ferman's case against Kane a purely political one.

A Pennsylvania judge recently released emails sent by Kane's former prosecutors, Frank Fina and Mark Costanzo. Fina and Costanzo are currently employed as prosecutors in the Philadelphia district attorney's office. They are being sheltered inside the D.A.'s office along with
Patrick Blessington, another one of Fina's cronies at the state Attorney General's office. Philadelphia's district attorney is Seth Williams, the city's first African-American D.A. and a Democrat. Williams is a major in the judge advocate general corps of the U.S. Army Reserve and he is closely linked to the Aspen Institute. Williams has refused to fire Fina and Costanzo over the pornographic emails they sent and received while working for Kane in Harrisburg.

Williams is also active as an alumnus of Penn State and he has received an award from the Penn State Alumni Association. Kane, on the other hand, is a graduate of the University of Scranton and Temple University Law School.

The emails contain pornographic photographs that were sent and received by Fina and Costanzo, both of whom were appointed by Corbett, the former Republican governor and Kane's predecessor as Attorney General. Corbett stands accused of covering up the Sandusky investigation. Nevertheless, Corbett was elected governor because of the near-religious cult status that was afforded by many Pennsylvanians to Penn State football, including football coach Joe Paterno. Current Democratic governor Tom Wolf, who beat Corbett in the last election, has urged Kane to resign over the leak of the grand jury information.

One of the emails received by Fina is from
2009 and titled "Men in Training." There is a photograph of a little boy looking into a young girl's underwear. Kane accused Fina and his Republican colleagues of failing to aggressively investigate Sandusky and others at Penn State while they worked for then-Attorney General Corbett.

The case against Kane is based on a belief by Ferman, Fina, and Costanzo that Kane leaked the grand jury information to discredit her critics. However, Kane's lawyers maintain that Fina and Costanzo "corruptly manufactured" the grand jury information to set a trap for Kane when it became public.

WMR will be covering, on behalf of Alex Jones's Infowars, a rally in support of Kane on September 10 at 1:00 pm in Harrisburg at the Judicial Center. Harrisburg represents "ground zero" for decades of cover-ups of the pedophile network based at Penn State and Second Mile. Every governor of Pennsylvania, from Milton Shapp, Dick Thornburgh, and Bob Casey, Sr. to Tom Ridge, Mark Schweiker, Ed Rendell, Tom Corbett, and now, Tom Wolf, has been more interested in covering up for the politically-influential pedophiles in the state than in seeking prosecutions. The major Pennsylvania newspapers, including The Philadelphia Inquirer and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, have been highly critical of Kane. Kane's Wikipedia entry contains a number of unsourced allegations against her, which is not surprising from a website founded by Jimmy Wales, a one-time pornographer who started the "Bomis Babe Report" before co-founding Wikipedia.

WMR will be in Harrisburg to give the Pennsylvania Attorney General the positive press coverage she has not received but certainly deserves.

One of the "milder" porn images sent to Fina. This photo was censored prior to its release by the investigating judge in the trumped up prosecution of Kane.

In many respects, the media barrage set against Kane is reminiscent of the attacks by the press against New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison when he investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy as a conspiracy. Kane appointed
former federal prosecutor H. Geoffrey Moulton Jr. to investigate former Governor Corbett for his role in conspiratorially covering up the Sandusky investigation, an indication that Kane's investigation has reached far beyond Sandusky and Pennsylvania.

WMR's normal news coverage, while on assignment, will be periodically updated.

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