publication date: Mar 16, 2020
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From the news wires:

Morocco to restrict movement to slow down coronavirus -government Reuters
Breaking | PM announces curfew, business closures with some exceptions
The Nassau Guardian
How to Grocery Shop Safely During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Good Housekeeping (US)
Navy postpones promotions for 160,000 sailors until further notice amid coronavirus concerns
Navy Times
Cuba receives the British cruise ship with confirmed COVID-19 cases
Devastating report reveals how federal officials held a pandemic flu wargame in 2019
Daily Mail
Louisiana governor warns state could exceed capacity to treat patients within one week
The Hill
Pacific: Governments respond to COVID-19 spread
ABC Online - Radio Australia
Five more confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported in Ukraine's Chernivtsi region
Chhattisgarh orders shutdown after first coronavirus case
Indian Express
Slovakia receives medical supplies from China (news digest)
The Slovak Spectator
Spain orders all hotels to close in attempt to stave off coronavirus spread
France 24
Iran sanctions put us all at risk during coronavirus
The New Arab
Newsom: More than half of California could contract coronavirus with no mitigation
Jordan announces lockdown in effort to contain coronavirus Al-Monitor
Ohio Guard to distribute food; unemployment claims top 100K Associated Press

Arctic tourism businesses fear they won’t survive coronavirus crisis
Arctic Today
Chad confirms first case of COVID-19
Tobago supermarket chain closes
Trinidad & Tobago Guardian Online
ISTANBUL BLOG: There may be no stopping the coronavirus from snowballing in Turkey
bne IntelliNews
Russia facilitates foreign stay amid coronavirus fears
Anadolu Agency
Russia Prepares for a Surge in Coronavirus Cases
The Moscow Times
Ethiopian PM urges tolerance as anti-foreigner sentiment rises over virus
France 24
President Rouhani Urges People to Stay Home during Nowruz Holidays
Iran Front Page
No Soap, No Water: Billions Lack Basic Protection Against Coronavirus
5-Year-Old In Maryland Has Coronavirus; Governor Announces 1st Death In State
New England Public Radio
Navy veteran Michael White released from Iranian prison amid coronavirus outbreak
Washington Examiner
Malta copying Asian countries in effort to stem tide of COVID-19
The Times of Malta
Jerusalem’s Palestinians are Fighting Coronavirus – and Much More – on Their Own
The Media Line
Millions of Brazilians demand resignation of Bolsonaro over coronavirus
Morning Star
Maduro and Foes Work Together to Avert Venezuelan Virus Disaster
BNN Bloomberg
Queen Elizabeth Takes a Reassuring Tone in Her Statement on the COVID-19 Pandemic
Bavarian town is first in Germany to impose full lockdown
Medical Xpress
Kazakhstan locks down two biggest cities due to virus
Medical Xpress

Hispanic Catholics asked to skip healing sites amid outbreak National Catholic Reporter
P.E.I.’s second COVID-19 case highlights importance of self-isolation: health official Global News
Christ the Redeemer statue lit up for coronavirus victims
CBS News
Italy / Southern Italy braces for 'tsunami' of coronavirus cases
The Guardian
India's PM Modi orders one-day nationwide curfew to combat virus
Al Jazeera
Egypt reports 46 new coronavirus cases, one new death: total cases at 256
Ahram Online
Prince Albert of Monaco tests positive for coronavirus
The Nation, Nigeria

Half Uruguay's coronavirus cases traced to a single guest at a society party The Guardian
Trump: State and Local Governments, Not Him, Have to Solve Coronavirus Shortages New York Magazine
Trump’s Deportation Machine Is Still Churning Despite Coronavirus Outbreak Truthout
GRIFTER ALERT: Trump returns to blaming Beijing for the pandemic, accusing it of a cover-up South China Morning Pos
Italy's coronavirus death toll surpasses that of China
NJ Turnpike Authority proposes 36% toll hike amid coronavirus crisis EU
Scientists report disappointing results from first coronavirus treatment New Zealand Herald
Merkel calls Covid-19 greatest threat since WW2
Evening Standard
Zhong Nanshan: We’re in close contact with foreign experts on COVID-19
CGTN America
NSW man adapts hula-hoop to keep his distance from other people amid coronavirus pandemic
Daily Mail
Israel shuts five embassies due to coronavirus
Anadolu Agency
Utah Rep. Ben McAdams tests positive for coronavirus
Deseret Morning News, Utah

Are you ready for how the coronavirus is transforming the world? The Interpreter
A bouquet for Philadelphia: Florists give away 2,000 flowers from events cancelled due to…
NYC to begin releasing inmates amid coronavirus outbreak New York Post
Psychologist explains how to cope with coronavirus
CBS News
Coronavirus Closings: Maryland Schools May Stay Closed Longer Than Two Weeks CBS Baltimore
Breaking: Jamaica Records First COVID-19 Death The Daily Observer
Florida Keys residents share coronavirus concerns, preventative measures being taken
WSVN-TV, Miami
'Simpsons' writer debunks coronavirus connection
Queen Elizabeth Has Gone Into Self-Quarantine Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic
The Cheat Sheet
Critics in Israel say Netanyahu using coronavirus as pretext for massive power grab
Los Angeles Times

Tasmania to quarantine arrivals for two weeks amid COVID-19 fears SBS
Kevin Bacon starts '6 Degrees' campaign to promote social distancing
Entertainment Weekly
US Should Lift Sanctions to Avoid More Deaths From COVID-19
KCSO: 38 inmates released in response to COVID-19, California
Point Roberts Fire Chief expresses concern about border restrictions
The Province, British Columbia
PM has ‘no intention’ of delaying Brexit transition amid coronavirus pandemic
Belfast Telegraph
Taiwan adds 23 new COVID-19 cases in one day,...
The China Post

FM in isolation; to undergo coronavirus test Daily Times
Samoa's COVID-19 results expected sooner than first announced Radio New Zealand
New Zealand's number of coronavirus cases rises to 28
Danes cheer from windows for people ''keeping Denmark afloat'' in coronavirus crisis SBS
Australian airline Qantas to cut all international flights
Daily Mail
New York Stock Exchange will temporarily close trading floors after two positive coronavirus tests
National Review Online
First member of Congress reports positive coronavirus test Roll Call
Private funerals will be norm under COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings in Alberta
Blockaded Gaza looks wryly on as world isolates itself
Ynet News
‘Moron’ Trump shredded for claiming coronavirus ‘snuck up on us’ — one day after insisting he always knew it was a…
The Raw StorY
Islamic State warns fighters against travel to coronavirus-hit Europe
Police officer tests positive for coronavirus, N.J. town’s mayor says - The Jersey Journal
Agency: Arkansas coronavirus cases increases to 30
Associated Press
Brighton MP tests positive for Covid-19
Brighton and Hove News
Fannie and Freddie to Suspend Foreclosures to Aid Virus Relief
BNN Bloomberg
UAE bars entry to visitors, Saudis limit private sector work over coronavirus
Cree community of Waswanipi establishes checkpoint
Interior Ministry shuts down amid virus concerns Afghanistan Times
North Wales funeral director's warning over rising coronavirus death toll North Wales Live
Italy rushes 10K medical students into service during coronavirus outbreak, scrapping final exams Global News
Coronavirus Can Remain Viable And Infectious On Surfaces Up To Days – Recent Study PindulaDevon and Cornwall schools to close because of coronavirus Plymouth Live
Russia Mulls Uncorking Online Alcohol Sales Over Virus Courthouse News
New Jersey Now Has 269 Coronavirus Cases; Malls Close NBC10, Pennsylvania
Why a top Harvard doctor is calling for a 'national quarantine' to stem the effects of the… Business Insider
How will the coronavirus show shutdowns affect the TV industry?
Jupiter police employee evaluated for coronavirus symptoms
WPTV, Florida
Jerusalem Mayor: Full coronavirus lock down expected within 2 days
Jerusalem Post
Oman Post services to continue with necessary precautions
Times of Oman
Covid-19: Spain to repatriate command team from Djibouti after coronavirus…
IHS Jane's
Zimbabwe hails China's efforts in curbing COVID-19 spread
Global Times
Fernández announced 8 emergency hospitals to help fight coronavirus
Buenos Aires Times
Funeral directors in Pennsylvania brace for grief as coronavirus limits services, viewings
Uganda's top athletes sent home over Coronavirus...
New Vision, Uganda
Haredi world shuts down as leaders quash resistance to public health measures
The Forward
Plano Man Infected With COVID-19 Dies in Local Hospital
Italy reports 475 coronavirus deaths, the highest single-day death toll for any country since… Business Insider
Coronavirus cases surpass 200,000 worldwide ITV
Djibouti confirms first case of COVID-19 CGTN
Caribbean countries advocate for Cuban antiviral to fight Covid-19 Prensa Latina
North Macedonia declares state of emergency over coronavirus outbreak Reuters
USA: ban on asylum-seekers from Mexico due to coronavirus is 'fear-mongering' Amnesty International UK
Navy dispatches two ships to act as floating hospitals Daily Mail
Nordstrom, Macy's temporarily close stores Chain Store Age
Marriott furloughs tens of thousands of hotel workers
CBS News
The Queen Is Moving To Windsor Castle And Canceling Events Because Of The Coronavirus Outbreak BuzzFeed
Hospital in Boston will be converted into Covid-19 treatment center STAT
Coronavirus pandemic puts Canada’s supply of ventilators in the spotlight
Global News
First Coronavirus Death Reported in Illinois, Governor Announces
NBC Chicago
Amazon suspends all 'nonessential' warehouse shipments amid coronavirus crisis
French Open postponed due to coronavirus pandemic
Al Jazeera
I'm terrified': Doctor at UK hospital says they're being told not to wear protective clothing Yahoo! UK & IrelandCzech Republic now reports 396 coronavirus cases out of 6,600 people tested Expats CZ
Armenia reports 8 more coronavirus cases: Country total reaches 72
Coronavirus scare: Thailand closes schools, bars, puts off holiday to limit gathering
India Today
City of Reno orders non-essential businesses to start closing The Nevada Independent
Coronavirus outbreak closes all South African universities, colleges The South African
Coronavirus in Scotland - patient in Greater Glasgow dead as Scottish cases rise to 195 Glasgow Live
Tory MP tells constituent to ‘get a life’ after asking if she could live on £94 a week
The New European
Italy Reports Thousands Of New Coronavirus Cases News & Guts
Trinidad & Tobago closes its borders as COVID-19 cases double to four
Global Voices
Coronavirus: I'm pregnant - what's the advice?
Basildon Standard
Earth Day L.A. In Venice Postponed Due To Outbreak
Brazil's foreign trade secretary says he has coronavirus
Chef José Andrés turns his restaurants into community kitchen
New York Post
Trump says COVID-19 outbreak could last months and gatherings should be limited to 10 ...
The Gazette
Duterte asks NPA for ceasefire during coronavirus lockdown
Fear Grips Zimbabwe As British Visitor Tests Positive for Coronavirus Back in London
Voice of America
Bali closes Gili Islands for two weeks to prevent the spread of coronavirus
Daily Mail
Greenland confirms first case of coronavirus – media UNIAN
Coronavirus death toll in UK jumps to 55 in 24 hours Evening Standard

Coronavirus pandemic: All schools closed, visitors from EU, UK, Turkey barred from entering India Oneindia
Canada closes borders over coronavirus pandemic The Independent

Avoid pubs' - Boris Johnson asks British people to limit contact with others amid coronavirus pandemic TVNZ
Virgin Atlantic asks staff to take eight weeks unpaid leave due to coronavirus Sky News
Theatres across UK close as West End goes dark over coronavirus Evening Standard
Defense secretary, deputy kept separated at Pentagon because of coronavirus The Washington Times
Coronavirus In Maryland: General Assembly Ending Session Early, First Time Since Civil War CBS Baltimore
Mars Rover Mission Postponed
Zarif Intensifies Diplomatic Efforts Against US Sanctions Financial Tribune
Iraqi Kurdistan records 3 new cases of coronavirus in Sulaimani Kurd Net
Pennsylvania liquor stores set to close over coronavirus concerns Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Costa Rica declares a state of National Emergency over Covid-19 Prensa Latina
‘Magnitude is breathtaking’: China's coronavirus slowdown much worse than feared, boding ill… Calgary Herald
Tanzania Confirms First Case of Coronavirus Voice of America
African nations begin taking tough measures Gulf Times
South Korean church goers catch coronavirus off saltwater bottle they used to protect themselves Daily Mail
Covid 19 Latest: Taoiseach says country can expect 30% rise in cases every day The Meath Chronicle
Montenegro halts national air carrier's flights due to coronavirus Reuters
Montana coronavirus report The Montana Free Press
BVI places moratorium on cruise ships, implements stringent visitor screening Jamaica Gleaner
COVID-19 cases in Sultanate rise to 54 Borneo Bulletin
Serbia postpones April 26 elections due to coronavirus outbreak - state election commission
Greek Orthodox Church agrees to suspend daily services, rituals over coronavirus
Queen back at Buckingham Palace for working week Belfast Telegraph
Pentagon to block YouTube, curb other streaming services as at-home workers stress network MarketWatch
Italians warn not to underestimate coronavirus Daily Mail

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