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United States                            Trump's jaded views of World Wars I and II. Fails to pay respects to America's KIAs by the Kaiser's troops and believes Nazis are "fine people."
Alex Jones and his trafficking in baloney. It built him up, but may take him down.
Trump's name removed from Trump Place in NYC. Trump is becoming as popular a brand name as "Hitler."
Trump Organization sues estate of Trump Tower condo owner for $90,000. Todd Brasner died in fire in Trump's fire trap of a building.
Hitler's great nephew in New York doesn't like Trump because he's a liar. When a Hitler hates you Trump, everyone does.
Hit south Florida with Logan Act violations, not John Kerry. Rubio runs a separate foreign policy out of Miami-Dade.
Rising sea levels to claim Philadelphia, Logan, and La Guardia airports. Airports are doomed say scientists.
Did an X-Files incident occur at the National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, NM? If it's aliens, please re-claim your escaped orange genetic mutant that now occupies the White House.
Insanity of world leaders. More common than thought.
Marco Rubio and Alex Jones almost come to blows. Two sissy boys engage in a cat fight outside of Senate office. 
Trump's treaty trashing. A shameful legacy.
Investments in international borders leave no room for peace. War is good business for peacekeepers.
Monroe Township school board candidate withdraws from race. His Facebook postings suggested it was “time to start firing bullets into these fucking monkeys," a reference to African-Americans. Thanks, Trump, for empowering these racist bastards.                                      
Pro-Trump GOP candidate for Congress believes she was abducted by aliens. Bettina Rodriguez-Aguilera communicates telepathically with teings, who look like the concrete Christ in Brazil. They have really good drugs in Miami.
Canada Canadian police want to share more data with US police. Canadian federal privacy commissioner has doubts.
Quebec elects right-wing Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) government. Francois Legault is new premier.
Ontario's Ford ignores Canadian Constitution. Ford attacks judges. Trump has a political doppelganger in Canada.
Trump threatens to cause "ruination" of Canada. And we're not to liken Trump to Hitler? Bollocks!
Radio-Canada attempts to copyright common French phrase in complaint to the Parti Québécois. "À la semaine prochaine" (see you next week) is not the property of a government broadcaster.
The long-forgotten Republic of Indian Stream. Could they opt for Canada in a revived independence push?
Conservative Party splits into two rival factions. Maxime Bernier to form rival party.
Latin America & Caribbean Vieques still without power after Maria. Island has received a scant $260,000 from FEMA.
Bolton's Latin American "troika." More war-mongering nonsense from a neocon pervert.
Neo-Nazi Bolsonaro vows to move Brazilian embassy to Jerusalem. Nothing says Nazi more than Netanyahu, coddler of fascists.
Trump threatens military action against Mexico. Also attacks Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
Maduro says Trump has ordered Colombia to kill him. Charge follows August 2018 attempted assassination.
Brazilian left unites to defeat neo-Nazi Bolsonaro in second round presidential election. Bolsonaro is an admirer of Adolf Hitler and Brazilian junta of the 1960s and 70s.
DEA office in Colombia leaked to narco lords and dealt with prostitutes. Just another day in the Trump administration.
Trump says no to Puerto Rico statehood. Blow to commonwealth's Republican governor.
Guyana supporting China's Belt and Road Initiative. Guyana joined program in July 2018.
Trump White House reviewing ties with El Salvador over that nation's recognition of China. Is this 1971?
Rubio pushing for U.S.-backed coup in Venezuela. Why doesn't Rubio man-up and be the first armed invader on shore?
Trump regime discussed coup plans with rebel Venezuelan military officers. Shades of Pinochet.
U.S.-Central American security conference cancelled over worsening Trump regime's ties with El Salvador and Guatemala. For Latin America, Trump is a clear and present danger.
Trump regime recalls U.S. ambassadors to El Salvador, Dominican Republic, and Panama over their establishment of relations with China. The "Formosa Lobby" has risen from the grave in Washington.
Paraguay orders Jerusalem embassy moved back to Tel Aviv. This sets an embarassing precedent for Netanyahu and serves as an example of what a post-Trump president should do without hesitation.
Argentines protest planned US military bases in Neuquen, Misiones, and Tierra del Fuego. Protesters include Mapuche natives.
Israeli-owned yacht found with 243 kg of cocaine in Colombia. As usual, Israeli owner of yacht concocts tall tale for Colombian authorities.
CELAC summit warns of 76 US bases in Latin America. Summit leaders say US is using judicial coups and sanctions to enforce the Monroe Doctrine.
Imprisoned Lula's poll numbers increase. Brazil's junta intent on keeping former president from running again.
U.S. frets over Chinese military base in El Salvador. Another excuse to attempt an overthrow of a democratically-elected government in Latin America?
El Salvador recognizes Beijing. Breaks ties with Taiwan.
Brazilian presidential election a "farce" without Lula. International human rights officials condemn continued imprisonment of candidate.
Europe Europe under US pressure to adopt sanctions on Iran. US aggressively lobbying Europe on 65th anniversary of US overthrow of Iran's democratically-elected Prime Minister, Mohamed Mossadeq.
Bannon's "Nazi International" to hold January 2019 Summit in Brussels. Le Pen, Salvini sign up.
CSU allies of Merkel suffer huge loss in Bavaria. Greens come in second.
Francophonie Summit being held in Yerevan. Canada pulls support for its former Governor General as Secretary General of Francophonie organization.
Italy 5 Star Movement rejects alliance with far-right in European Parliament. Roberto Fico says no to "Natons and Freedom" group.
Two Israelis killed when gas canisters blew up in their apartment in Chisinau. Hapless dolts or clumsy bomb makers?
German Jews form far-right AfD group called "Jews in the AfD." It's back to the future for the Nazi-Zionist alliance of old.
Sub-Carpathia threatens secession from Ukraine. UKrainian foreign minister sounds alarm.
Zinke threatens Russia with naval blockade. Russia counters with declaration of war threat.
Turnout dismal in Macedonia name change referendum. Deal on North Macedonia name with Greece in limbo.
Diplomats expose Israeli lobbying group's tactics. NGO Monitor is a right-wing Israeli pressure group.
Swedish PM Lofven loses no-confidence vote. Rightists expected to form next government.
Trump cancels visit to Ireland. U.S.-Irish relations in toilet.
Catalonia's yellow ribbon revolution. Soros can't be blamed for this particular color revolt.
Serbian and Kosovar leaders discuss border changes. EU opposed to redrawn borders.
Spain to relocate Franco's remains. And, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

Middle East & Central Asia
Shots fired at US embassy in Ankara. US-Turkish relations reach new low.
Israel expands control over West Bank. Military administration beefed up.
Former French ambassador to Georgia becomes President of Georgia. Salome Zurabishvili is pro-NATO.
Khashoggi butchered in pre-prepared room in Saydi consulate-general. Gruesome ordeal took 15 minutes.
Member of Khashoggi hit team dies in suspicious auto accident in Riyadh. 1 down, 14 to go.
U.S. downgrades diplomatic mission to Palestinians. US Consulate General in Jerusalem closing with responsibilities taken over by US embassy in Jerusalem. U.S. effectively severs all relations with Palestine.
Israeli and Saudi armed forces chiefs meet in Washington. Another public display of the close non-diplomatic relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Trump says "rogue killers" may have murdered Khashoggi. Yes, they were working with the "real killers" of Nicole Brown Simpson.
Saudis call reports of Khashoggi's murder "fake news." Now, where did they get that idea from?
Trump abrogates 1955 Treaty of Amity with Iran. Bolton itches for war.
Iranian FM says foreign terrorist sponsors behind Ahvaz attack. Fingers pointed at U.S. regional allies.
Abkhazian President Raul Khajimba thanks Assad for Syrian recognition of its independence. Syria also recognized South Ossetia as independent.
Sin cities on the Gulf. UAE is massage parlor central.
Mossad "makeover" sees increased use of assassinations. Director Yossi Cohen is close friend of Netanyahu and his wife.
France calls on Israel to release French citizen from detention. Salah Hamouri has been detained without charges for a year. Middle East's "only democracy?" Hogwash.
South Asia & Indian Ocean Paradise Lost: America's shameful displacement of the Chagos islanders for a nuclear weapons base. The story of the people of Diego Garcia.
Sri Lanka has rival prime ministers amid a political crisis. President sacks PM without justification.
Japan secures naval bases in India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Japanese base rights also extended to mainland Indian ports.
Andaman and Nicobar islands
Maldives opposition leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih wins surprise election. Vows to review Chinese links.
China's Maldives foray. India concerned about Chinese moves into the Indian Ocean.
Trump regime threatens sanctions against top Maldivian officials. They would joina long list of brown and black politicians from all over the world subjected to US visa bans.
Kerala floods boost talks of secession from the north. "Madrasis'" plight ignored by northerners.
Pakistani PM Imran Khan adopts personal austerity. Luxurious lifestyle of PM's scrapped.
East Asia Duterte's failing health fuels resignation rumors. Autocratic president's ailments include Buerger’s disease.
Pompeo opposes peace between North and South Korea. Move to demilitarize cease-fire line opposed by U.S.
Malaysian Constitution to be amended to restore Sarawak and Sabah to equal partners with peninsular Malaya in federation. Both states were downgraded in 1976.
Meng Hongwei, President of INTERPOL, missing in China. Reports that he was arrested for questioning as part of a leadership split.
Presidents of Paraguay and Marshall Islands champion Taiwan UN membership. Call comes as Taiwan loses UN allies.
Hardline Vietnamese President dead. Tran Dai Quang died after a "serious illness."
Trump wanted China to assassinate Kim Jong Un. Trump's plan woujld have had China replace Kim with a North Korean general.
Philippines to extradite Israeli-American murder suspect to Taiwan. Oren Shlomo Mayer violated the first rule of the Mossad: "don't get caught."
Trump administration delaying visa for North Korea's new UN ambassador. Act constitutes a violation of the U.S.-U.N. Treaty.
Two US citizens jailed in Vietnam for continuing to fight Vietnam War. The pair are officials of the Provisional National Government of Vietnam (PNGV), a US-based government-in-exile.
Australian film-director James Ricketson on trial for espionage in Cambodia. Ricketson arrested in June 2017.
Africa Anti-regime protests continue in Kampala. Unrest sweeps capital after opposition MPs were arrested and tortured.
Ethiopia signs peace treay with Ogaden rebels. Ogaden National Liberation Front shifts from banned terrorist group to legal organization.
Israel caught supporting Biafran independence. Igbo secessionist leader found living in Israel.
U.S. visa bans, asset freezes continue against Zimbabwe President Emmerson Manangagwa, ZANU-PF ruling party officials, and top military officers. To Trump, they're all "shitholes."
Chad deploys troops to Libyan border. Chadian rebel incursions into Chad reported.
Somalia hires Sonoran Policy Group to lobby Trump administration for lifting travel ban. GOP-linked lobbyists are turning a profit in deals with foreign countries that amass cash in return for White House access.
Polar region & remote islands Falkland Islands flag raised in Ceres on Argentine independence day. Town leaders apologize.
Argentina threatens move on Falklands after Brexit. Argentines count on support from EU.
St. Pierre and Miquelon strive to keep maritime traditions alive. Fishing decline has crippled local economy.
Faroes seeks to join IOC. Wants to participate as a separate team in the Olympics.
South Pacific/Oceania Samoa using cybercrime law to stifle online dissent. Anti-government bloggers are targets of government.
Hawai'ianized New Caledonia rejects independence. Referendum's no voters represent French colonialist class.
New Caledonia referendum rejects independence. 57 percent, mainly white Europeans, vote no.
Maohi leader supports Kanak independence move. Sees future partnership between Kanaky and Maohi Nui, free of France.
Ngāti Manu sub-tribe talks secession from New Zealand. Could this Bay of Islands sub-tribe become independent?
Australia to expand Lombrum Naval Baseon Manus Island, PNG. Move seen as countering China.
President of New Caledonia Congress removes Kanak independence flag. Move comes just prior to independence referendum.
Abbott remains opposed to republic. Former PM Keating wants referendum on republic.
Tiny Palau confronts China. Chinese tourism was a mixed blessing for the small state.
Alt-right leader brings his hate message to Australia. The international franchising of xenophobia: who's paying for it?
China declares Palau banned for Chinese visitors. Tourism suffers.

Final Frontier
Traces of other universes found in "ghost" black holes. Ours is not the only universe.
Scientists want to use lasers to attract aliens to Earth. Then, Trump will send them to border detention camps.
Gigantic structure found from early universe. Supercluster is called Hyperion.
First exo-moon discovered. Orbits gas giant Kepler 1625b.
Jupiter's Red Spot may be a massive reservoir of water. Drink up, pilgrims!
KELT 9B has a sky made of iron. Titanium also in sky.
United States                            Kushners pushed out tenants. Raised rents by $500 a month for rent-stabilized apartments. "Kushner" will, like quisling for traitor, will forever be linked to "shyster."                                         

Space Force: It's another Trump idea that belongs on a Hollywood launch pad. Stupid is as stupid does.

Wisconsin GOP going down in flames after Trump's call to boycott Harley-Davidson. Democrats will sweep state in November based on current polling.
Nuclear vs. fracking: the safer option. Battles plays out in Pennsylvania.
Man shoots up WORT-FM public radio studio in Madison, Wisconsin. Police say it was a targeted shooting. Time for Trump to be held accountable for Annapolis and now, Madison.
Suspect in shooting of Bush 41's cardiologist found dead. Well, that wraps up that case (not).
Former head of South Carolina GOP killed family dog on "God's command." Another typical Trumper: nuts beyond all belief.
Proposal for an independent Native American state carved out of eastern California. State would be free to enter into international treaties.
Illinois Repubican lawmaker released nude photos of his ex-girlfriend. More GOP "family values."
Suspect in shooting death of Houston cardiologist is another cyclist spotted on video. Broad daylight shootings have a history in Houston: Roland Carnaby.
George H W Bush's doctor shot while cycling to work. Murder of Dr. Mark Hausknecht resembles a professional assassination.
Trump's Secret Service agent dies in Scotland while protecting John Bolton. Nole Remagen was 42. What did he see?
Global fascist power grab for local self-government. Fascists despise regional and municipal government.
Canada Harper taking advantage of ties to Trump to establish his own grifting business. Trump and Harper represent shysterism at its worst.
Quebec-Vermont agreement represents further independence of U.S. states' foreign relations. Pact affects commerce, energy, environmental protection, transportation, and tourism.
U.S. refuses to support Canada in its row with Saudis. Saudis expel Canadian ambassador over Canada's criticism of Saudi human rights record.
Proposal for Toronto to secede from Ontario and become its own province. With Doug Ford as Ontario premier, that might be the best option.
Ontario Premier Ford halves Toronto City Council. Ford, the "Canadian Trump," marginalizing opponents.
Assembly of First Nations, the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, and the Metis National Council nix meeting with premiers. Tribal nations not afforded constitutionally-ensured rights.
Latin America & Caribbean Using the new CIA tactic of "lawfare," Brazil's courts undermine democracy. Imprisonment of Lula is a stark example.
Verla De Peiza becomes leader of the opposition Democratic Labor Party of Barbados. First female leader of party.
UN Human Rights Council: Lula must be allowed to run for president. Brazil in contravention of legal obligations to UN.
Far-right group threatens to exterminate opposition to Duque government. Green Party and Communists on target list.
Colombia wants child sex tourists extradited. Child prostitution ring run by Israelis.
Colombian president Santos recognized Palestinian statehood as his final act before leaving office. Duque, his narco-backed successor, considering repealing decision.
AMLO says Mexico will not be threatened by Trump's wall. AMLO will keep corrupt countries out of Mexico's energy sector. That means you Trump!
Maduro survives assassination attempt from drones. Colombia and right-wing opposition blamed.
Israeli child sex trafficking ring busted in Colombia. Is that why Netanyahu is visiting Colombia?
Brexit will leave British overseas territories vulnerable. Brexit may spur moves toward independence.
Netanyahu attending Duque's inauguration in Colombia. Duqye favors moving Colombian embassy to Jerusalem.
New Chinese space station in Argentina projects China's power into South America. Quintico station supplements Chinese lijks with other South American countries.
CARICOM attends BRICS summit. Jamaican PM Holness to attend Johannesburg meeting.
Former FARC guerrillas take seats in Colombian Congress. Two ex-FARC members did not take seats. One is jailed facing US ludicrous "drug" charges and the other is in hiding, fearing for his safety. Some "peace" deal.
Evo Morales says Trump is enemy of humanity and the planet. Comments made in Cuba.
Haiti PM resigns after fuel price increase riots. Cabinet members also leave.
AMLO slashes his presidemtial salary. Cabinet salaries to also be limited.

Alex Salmond regrets former friendship with Trump. Trump grifted Scotland like he does everyone he encounters.
Israel harassing prominent American liberal Jews at immigration. Which means, just like the Gestapo, they maintain a list.
Bannon sees himself as the "Soros of the Right." We don't need any stinking Soroses, of the Right or the Left.
Israelis danced naked at Nazi concentration camp in Poland. Not the first neo-Nazi incident by Israelis at Polish camp sites.
Talk emerges of a Greater Serbia. Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon involved in talks to partition Kosovo and join Srpska Republic of Bosnia to Serbia.
British national behind disinformation operations directed against Hillary Clinton. Time Leonard was "Adam Carter."
Mossad stages numerous operations out of Paris. Includes assassinations and electronic surveillance.
Sweden's Crown Jewels stolen in daylight robbery. Thieves sped away in a boat.
Bannon's emerging Fascist International in Europe. UKIP and National Rally of France are players.
British Army to step in to handle commerce if no Brexit deal with EU. Army intervention plan readied.
Bannon was in contact with Boris Johnson prior to announcing "The Movement." Far-right gearing up for a major European push for influence.
Town of Totnes in Devon declares independence from Britain to stay in EU. New-city state issues passports.
Puigdemont returns to Belgium after Spanish arrest warrant lifted. Former Catalan president will resume independence fight.
New People's Party leader in Spain has phony academic resume. Pablo Casado's Harvard "degree" is from a 4-day course taught in Madrid. The Age of Trump springs forth other grifters.
Trump criticizes "aggressive" Montenegro, a NATO member. Last year, he shoved aside Montenegro's PM. Trump hates Montenegro because "negro" is in its name. It's what any KKK supporter would do.

Middle East & Central Asia
Abu Dhabi establishing geospatial intelligence center. Will rely on artificial intelligence.
Turkey boycotts American electronic products. Boycott includes iPhones.
Judenstaaters detain Norwegian Gaza aid ship. Judenstaat officer hit Norwegian captain on the head. Norwegians and Dane arrested by Judenstaat authorities.
Mossad leads in carrying out assassinations. Details contained in new book.
Trump pursuing an "Arab NATO" to challenge Iran. Idea dead-on-arrival with Gulf rift between Saudis and Qataris.
Syrian Kurds reach deal with Damascus. Syria to advance toward a decentralized government.
Houthis attack Saudi oil tanker off Yemeni coast. Ship owned by Saudi Aramco.
Post-succession fears in Oman. Tensions involving the Saudis, Qataris, and Iranians stoke fears in neutral Oman.
Erdogan likens Netanyahu's policies to those of Hitler. Netanyahu responds, calling Turkey a "dark dictatorship." Actually, they're both correct.
Druze appeal Israeli "Jewish nation-state" law. Three Druze members of Knesset decry racist movel.
Israel targeting Turkish presence in Jerusalem. Israel moves against Turkish funding for Jerusalem Muslims.
New Israeli law proclaims that only Jews have a right to a nation-state. More fallout from Jared Kushner's Mideast "peace plan."
Assad forces push out rebels from Golan frontier. Al-Quneitra province falls to government.
South Asia & Indian Ocean Nepal launches "rhino diplomacy" with China.
Pair of endangered one-horned rhinos gifted to China.
India wants to station more troops in Bhutan. Fears that Bhutan could become another Sikkim.
Pakistan's new PM is another celebrity-turned-politician. Ex-cricketer Imran Khan is new Pakistani leader.
"Jewish nation-state" of Israel sees India as a "Hindu nation-state." Such alliances of xenophobes usually end in disaster for the xenophobes.
Ahmadis not permitted to vote in Pakistani election. Muslim sect treated as non-Muslim by government.
Antiquities being plundered from Nepal, Mustang, and across Himalayas. Check the Israelis' baggage when they leave.

East Asia
Huawei denies industrial espionage charges. Jesse Hong claims he was fired for refusing to steal trade secrets from rivals.
French charge cover-up in missing MH-370 investigation. Accuse Malaysian authorities of ruling out deliberate action and ignoring key evidence.
Hun Sen's party claims all 125 parliamentary seats in sham election. Cambodian vote neither free nor fair.
Third party interference not ruled out in MH-370 disappearance.  Prior equipment manipulaton a possibility.
Former Malaysian intelligence chief charged with asking CIA director Gina Haspel to help former PM Najib win re-election. There are financial ties between Najib and Trump officials.
Hong Kong moves to ban the Hong Kong National Party. Party promotes secession of Hong Kong from China.
China pressures for cancellation of Youth Games in Taiwan. South and North Korea voted with China.
Mahathir to repeal Malaysia's security law. Law permits detention of opposition figures.
Melaka institutes term limit for chief minister. Two term limit to be enacted.
Africa Egypt to sell citizenship. $391,000 is the going rate. Get ready for more Israeli lebensraum.
Congress of Berlin: Act II. Global scramble for Africa's resources underway.
Snow blankets Lesotho. Lesotho is in Africa.
Djibouti rejects Somalia lifting sanctions on Eritrea. Djibouti cites border dispute with Eritrea.
Move for an independent Cape Republic in southern Africa. Capital to be in Cape Town. Khoisan Nation jumps the gun by proclaiming the the Sovereign State of Good Hop.
Former Energy Minister in Mugabe Cabinet convicted of corruption. Samuel Undenge gets two and a half years in prison.
Xi Jingping visiting South Africa, Rwanda, Mauritius, and Senegal. US interest in continent ebbs.
eSwatini is in name only. Swaziland still the widely-used name in the country.

New Caledonia's Labour Party calls independence referendum an "electoral farce." Like many elections, this one is being rigged on behalf of wealthy French transplants.
Australian senator, Fraser Annin, calls for "final solution" for Australia's immigration problem. Annin is with the Katter Australian Party.
Mossad hit in Dubai causes irreparable harm to Israeli-Australian relations. Mossad's use of fake Australian passports chilled ties.
The coming Polynesian Union. Pacific states and territories about ready to cut neo-colonial links.
NZ PM: Republic status not a priority. Rectifying Maori treaty violations is.
Polynesian Leaders Group admits Hawaii, Rapa Nui, and New Zealand as new members. Talk of a Polynesian Alliance emerges.
New Zealand and Australia spar over flag designs and Australian  deportation policy. Kiwi acting PM suggests Australia put a kangaroo on its flag. Flag similarities plague the world.
France's staged independence referendum in New Caledonia. Moneyed interests in colony stack the deck against native population.
Chinese tourist sanctions on Palau aimed at pressuring country to drop relations with Taiwan. Palau Pacific Airways suspends operations due to drop in Chinese passengers.
Polar region & remote islands Falkland Islands flag raised in Ceres on Argentine independence day. Town leaders apologize.
China pushes into Arctic. Siberia is top priority.

Final Frontier
Ghost particle found in Antarctica. Neutrino from distant galaxy surprises scientists.
700 MHZ signal received from deep space excites scientists. Lowest frequency ever detected from space and could be aliens talking on their cell phones.
Terraforming Mars not possible with current technology. Elon Musk proposal is not feasible.
Underground lake of water discovered on Mars. Similar to Lake Vostok in Antarctica.

United States

Leith, North Dakota to dissolve rather than face Nazi takeover. Headlines right out of Germany in the 1930s.
Trump's name will be off Rhode Island 2020 ballot unless he releases his tax returns. Law would apply to every candidate.
Navajo nation marks 150th anniversary of treaty with United States. The US has done everything possible to violate the treaty.
Top Trump aide tieds to NXIVM sex slave cult. Joseph Whitehouse Hagin is probably picking out immigrant girls in DHS detention camps right now.
Trump withdraws from UN Human Rights Council. No different than Hitler withdrawing from the League of Nations.
Some Illinoisans seeking secession from Metro Chicago. Sounds like Trump goons are behind this ridiculous effort.
It's payback time. Joseph Siegelman, son of former Governor Don Siegelman -- politically prosecuted by GOP -- wins nomination for Attorney General of Alabama. So many Republican crooks, so little prison cells.
US Senator denied access to immigrant children detention center. What horrors may be taking place behind the gates and barbed wire?


Nine new parties on Ontario ballot. They include the Ontario Party and Consensus Ontario.

BC cracks down on hidden home owners. BC has attracted gray and black money.

Canada pays back Trump. Canadians boycott US products, cancel US vacations. Florida citrus hit hard by boycott and tariffs.

Canadian House of Commons unanimously backs Trudeau against Trump's threats. Canadian parties united against Trump administration threats and ad hominem attacks.

Trump promises to punish the Canadian people. Hitler spoke like that about Poland and France.

Canadians outraged at Trump's comments about Trudeau. Canadians of all parties rally behind PM.

Ford stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Trudeau in showdown with Trump. Ontario Premier has supported Trump in the past.

Doug Ford, brother of Toronto's late crackhead mayor, elected Premier of Ontario. Which means that ignorant "white trash" is not merely confined to American voter rolls.

Latin America

Taiwan president to visit Paraguay. News follows reports of Beijing's outreach to Taiwan's last diplomatic ally in South America.

Disgust across Latin America at Trump's family separations. Even far-right governments condemn Trump.

Israel helped create Latin American death squads. And that led to refugee flow to U.S. border.

Right-wing narco-supported Ivan Duque elected president of Colombia. Duque favors violating the peace agreement with FARC.

Martinelli extradited from US to Panama. Will he spill beans on Trump's money laundering in Panama during corruption trial?

Cuba condemns OAS resolution suspending Venezuela. Four nations -- Venezuela, Saint Vincent, Dominica, and Bolivia -- voted against resolution. Belize, Grenada, Haiti, St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Ecuador, and Uruguay among abstentions.

Argentina cancels soccer match in Jerusalem. Argentine soccer team cites Israel's brutal suppression of Palestinian rights.

Mexico imposes tariffs on U.S. pork, apples, potatoes, bourbon, and cheeses. Trump and Republicans can say goodbye to Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

Bolivia's Morales says U.S. uses OAS as stick against Venezuela. The OAS is a Monroe Doctrine contrivance.

Colombia grows closer to NATO. Venezuela seen as common target.

Caribbean Islands continue to rebuild after hurricanes. BVI, Dominica, and Barbuda recovering from catastrophic devastation.
Puerto Rican independence leader asks UN for intervention. Says US trying to turn Puerto Rico into another Hawaii.
Canary Islands President visits Cuba. There are historical ties between the Canaries and Cuba.
Corporate and income taxes raised in Barbados. Airport departure tax raised.
Trinidad looks to Australia to beef up maritime security. Questions raised over contracts.
Antigua rejects FedEx suspension of service to Cuba. PM issues statement of support for Cuban ambassador.
Dominican presidential candidate vows to move embassy to Israel. Ramfis Dominguez Trujillo, a dual US-Dominican citizen, is a grandson of dictator Rafael Trujillo. Right-wing dictators and Israel are natural allies as brutes and human rights violators.
Europe Macedonians protest potential name change. Soros's man Zoran Zaev says negotiations with Greece in final stages.
Catalonian government severs tied to Spanish monarchy. The King of Spain is the highest-paid unemployed grifter in Spain.
Israel attacks Pamplona, Spain, citing the Inquisition. If it's not the Holocaust, it's always something else with the Israelis.
Czech president says Ukraine run by oligarchs. And many of them are Zionists with Nazi militias.
GCHQ and MI6 to be locked out of European police databases after Brexit. GCHQ chief warns against move.
Two pro-Quisling far-right Progress Party Norwegian lawmakers nominate Trump for Nobel Peace Prize. That's because Adolf Hitler is dead.
Georgian PM Giorgi Kvirikashvili and his Cabinet resigns. Government was in conflict with President Bidzina Ivanishvili.
Juncker to Bavarian parliament: Trump called the former Luxembourg PM a "brutal killer." Trump confused Luxembourg with North Korea.
Basques push for independence from Spain. Basques form human chain.
Greece puts 8 Turkish defectors under guard. Greece protecting exiles from Erdogan kidnappers.
Macron says phone calls with Trump are similar to sausages. Best not to know what's inside of them.
German political leaders demand Berlin expel US ambassador. Richard Grenell openly backing far-right European political parties.
Israel joins NATO exercise in Europe for first time. "Saber Strike" exercise is aimed at Russia.
Anti-immigrant SDS party wins Slovenian election. Janez Jansa slated to become prime minister.
Middle East Assad to meet Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang. Timing of meeting could have impact on Trump-Kim summit in Singapore.
Major Turkish AKP supporter involved in offshore company. Money laundering through secret BVI firm.
Houthis kill mercenaries on Yemeni west coast. Let's hope one of them was Erik Prince.
Russia holds official reception in Jerusalem. Another sell-out to the Palestinians.
Israel says it uncovered plot to kill Netanyahu. Too bad it didn't succeed.
Over 70 Syrian tribes declare war on U.S. Assad offers pact with Syrian Kurds.
Russia to supply Qatar with S-400 air defense system. Russia ignores Saudi threats of military retaliaton. Saudi Arabia's military force is largely composed of mercenaries.
Indian sub-continent Tribal violence in Meghalaya. Locals resent Punjabi settlers.
India slaps tariffs on US motorcycles, almonds, apples, and other products. Trump's trade war hits sub-continent.
India to buy Russian S-400 missile defense system. India faces sanctions retaliation from Trump's goon squad.
Central Asia New focus on Gilgit-Baltistan's status. Aspirant nation-state in midst of Chinese-Indian rivalry.
Foreign rabbis and Chabadniks ousted from Russia for agitating overthrow of the government. Chabad is a wing of Mossad.
UAE increasing troop level in Afghanistan. Erik Prince's Reflex Responses mercs among them?
India and Pakistan to conduct first joint military drill in SCO exercise. Peace Mission 2018 to be held in Russia's Ural mountains.
East & Southeast Asia
Mattis threatens China over South China Sea. Just another Trump administration war monger spewing oral diarrhea.
Brother of former Malaysian PM Najib owns offshore company in British Virgin Islands. Everbright Universal Holdings Ltd. owns property in the U.S.
U.S. opens "embassy" in Taiwan. China angered by violation of "one China" policy.
US claims US diplomats in China suffering from sonic attacks. This line of Trump bullshit didn't work in Cuba and won't work in China.
Africa Rwandan-Russian military relations grow closer. Rwanda may obtain Russian air defense system.
Grenade attack on Ethiopian PM. Abiy Ahmed escaped injury.
Lesotho voters want a more powerful king. See less elections.
Africa's dictators taxing Internet to stigle criticism. Digital secession under threat.
Ethiopia and Eritrea end border war. Addis recognizes Eritrean control of Badme.
Matabeleland demands secession. New country would be called the Mthwakazi Republic.
Polar & Remote Islands

Agreement between Canada, Greenland, and Denmark over Hans Island in offing. Boundary dispute at center of problem.

Faroes wants in on the Olympics. Corrupt IOC has a draconian policy of not allowing non-independent nations to join.

Faroes and Russia work on free trade agreement. Faroes cashing in on Norwegian sanctions against Russia.

Faroes wants to compete under its own flag in Olympics. Cites backing by Denmark for its cause.

Oceania Aborigines demand their flag to fly atop Sydney Harbor Bridge. Labor promises to take such action.
Drunk driver crashes into Cook Islands Parliament. Collapses wall.
Third party emerges in Cook Islands. One Cook Islands Movement adopts libertarian anti-government platform.
Kanak party wants direct negotiations with France over decolonization process. Pro-independence front fractured, likely a result of DGSE provocations.
Final Frontier A new particle that "shouldn't exist" discovered. Sterile neutrino baffles scientists.
Ceres surface has high levels of organic compounds. May indicate current or past life on dwarf planet.
Hadron collider upgrade. More dangerous tinkering with parallel universes and black holes.
Massive Martian dust storm threatens rover Opportunity. Rover placed in sleep mode.
Organic molecules found on Mars. Evidence of life.
Meteor strikes Earth with little advance warning. Object crashed in Africa.

United States

Essential Consultants is a Trump-Cohen extortion, bribery, and hush money slush fund. It's that simple.
GOP candidate for North Dakota Secretary of State withhdraws after arrest record for being a "Peeping Tom" is revealed. GOP = Gross Old Perverts.
Media coverage of a royal wedding: "reporting" as inane and useless as ever. Note to media owners: a few Americans still recall that the United States was born out of a revolution against an ancestor of the pampered and overly-manicured British royal family.
Trump the Schlump: Trashed Iran nuclear deal while clutching for a doubtful deal with North Korea. With Iran and NK, Israel is running the show in Washington.
Tribal rights under siege by Trump. Trump has shown himself to be a total racist when it comes to Native Americans.
Drilling threatens ancient roads of New Mexico. Another infringement of tribal sovereign rights.
Bolton threatens Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un. North Korea says it finds Bolton "repugnant." We agree with Pyongyang.
Former NSC staffer Ezra Cohen-Watnick wanted to spy on colleagues to determine leakers. Cohen-Watnick, a Mossad mole if there ever was one, now spies on Justice Department.


Harper and Baird join in supporting US abrogation of JCPOA. Mossad has all the gay photos of both needed for blackmail.

Canadian doctor shot by Israeli sniper while giving medical aid to Gazans. Dr. Tarek Loubani won't hear anything from Trudeau or Freeland because they are in power, courtesy of Canada's influential Jewish lobby.

Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister violates First Nations treaty rights by banning night time hunting. These treaty violations are all the vogue among right-wing leaders in Canada and U.S.

Latin America

Morales warns of plan for US to invade Venezuela. Cites US military presence in Colombian department of Tumaco.

Canada downgrades relations with Venezuela. Cuts off military contacts.

Maduro victor in Venezuelan presidential election. Re-election comes amid unrelentless propaganda and destabilization campaign by CIA.

Right-wing Brazilian foreign minister outraged at European support for Lula. Former French President Hollande and former Spanish PM Zapotero urge Brazil to free Lula to allow him to run for president.

Pro-Palestinian protests across Latin America. Largest held at Israei embassy in Buenos Aires.

Bolivian envoy reads out names of Palestinians killed by Israelis at UN Security Council. Nikki Haley boycotted moment of silence held for victims.

Assange hacked into Ecuadorian embassy communications system. Ecuador's Operations GUEST and HOTEL spied on Assange's visitors and foes.
ELN declares cease fire during Colombian elections. ELN-Bogota negotiations continue in Cuba.
Caribbean Barbuda rooting out Antiguan plants. Barbuda Council employees who refuse to return to island will lose their jobs.
Right-wing Cuban terrorist Luis Posada Carriles dead. May he rot in gusano hell.
Mia Mottley becomes Barbados's first woman PM. Opposition parties shut out in parliament.
Montserrat PM Donaldson Romeo wants island re-added to UN list of territories to be de-colonized. Reverses position of his predecessor, R. T. Meade.
Europe Bolton threatens European companies with sanctions over Iran. European companies should release videos of Bolton in sex orgies at Plato's Retreat in Manhattan in the 70s and 80s.
Ukraine withdraws from CIS. Follows Georgia.
Russian-Jewish oligarch gets Israeli citizenship. Roman Abramovich is part of pro-Trump syndicate.
Old Belarusian flag re-appears on streets of Minsk. Distancing from Moscow taking place.
Rajoy boycotts Western Balkans summit. Kosovo's presence results in snub from Madrid.
Palestine recalls envoys to Romania, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria for attending US embassy ceremony in Jerusalem. All four countries have large neo-Nazi movements -- the Nazis and Zionists have, once again, discovered their common roots.
Scottish parliament refuses to back EU Brexit bill. Sees London making a power play for Scottish affairs.
Catalan separatist Quim Torra to become new Catalan president. Torra is close ally of exiled Carles Puigdemont.
Middle East Rise of the Mahra Sultanate on SocotraSheikh Abdullah bin Issa al Aafrar readies himself for restoral to power.
Swiss foreign minister questions UNWRA. Ignacio Cassis adopts Zionist line and destroys Swiss neutrality.
Israel ignores Paraguay as a past haven for Nazi war criminals. Birds of a feather flock together.
Saudi troops land on Socotra. Saudi-UAE clash for control of island.
Jerusalem has a big party, while Israeli troops massacre Gaza residents by the scores. Israeli thinking: one holocaust deserves another.
Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania block EU condemnation of US embassy move to Jerusalem. Czechs and Romanians are planning their own embassy moves.
These "Dirty 32" are attending the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem: Albania, Angola, Austria, Cameroon, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Kenya, Macedonia, Burma, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, the Philippines, Romania, Rwanda, Serbia, South Sudan, Thailand, Ukraine, Vietnam, Paraguay, Tanzania and Zambia. All should be boycotted by decent people.
Ras al Khaimah discovery of oil and gas reserves attracts international interest. RAK Petroleum Authority established.
Turkey orders Israeli ambassador out. Ankara tells Eitan Naeh to stay in Israeli for a while.
Moqtada al Sadr, Iraqi Shi'a nationalist, takes lead in Iraqi election. Anti-American cleric will determine next government.
Jared and Ivanka receive blessing in Jerusalem from Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, who once compared black people to monkeys. Well, Mr. Yosef, you DO know why the "Jewfish" has that name? Because of its big mouth.
Indian sub-continent Pakistan blocks US defense attache Col. Joseph Hall from leaving country after fatal crash. Hall. reportedly drunk, ran red light, killing Pakistani man. Hall permitted to leave Pakistan.
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) rebels massacre Hindus in Rakhine state, Myanmar. Rohingyas are being radicalized by a usual suspect - Saudi Arabia.
Pakistan debates merging Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. UN seen behind move.
Central Asia Kazakh tycoon detained in Moscow on fraud chargesZhomart Ertaev suspected of embezzlement of bank funds.
Mongolia-Taiwan business meeting held. Taiwan seeking out new partners as its diplomatic isolation grows.
Saudis assume majority ownership of Tajikistan bank. Saudis seek to erase Iranian influence in Tajikistan.
East & Southeast Asia
Anwar Ibrahim released from prison in Malaysia. Expected to become prime minister, succeeding Mahathir Mohamed.
Malaysia to enlarge Middle Rocks near Singapore's Pedra Branca. Island nases all the rage in SE Asia.
Haitian president in Taiwan. Taiwan seeks to maintain its diplomatic allies as China grabs up a few.
Head of Syrian Orthodox Church visits Kerala. Meets with chief minister.
Saudis ensure tight Sharia control on non-Islamic religions in Brunei. Chinese investments also pouring in to country.
Malaysian government studies devolving powers to Sarawak. Sarawak chief minister is a stumbling block.
Police seize 72 bags of cash, jewels from raid on Najib's properties. Former Malaysian PM is destined for prison.
Trump orders Commerce Dept. to help Chinese firm ZTE avoid US trade sanctions. How much money did ZTE wire into Essential Consultants Trump slush fund account? MCGA: Make China Great Again!
Africa Barotseland activists freed after international outcry. Barotseland Royal Establishment seeks freedom from Zambian rule.
Burkina Faso ditches Taiwan for China. Second major diplomatic loss for Taiwan in recent weeks.
Ethiopia denies supprting Eritrean rebel movements. Ethiopia accused of working with Sudan to topple Eritrean government.
Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza extends his term. Follows presidents of Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo in extending term limits.
Polar & Remote Islands

Greenland and Faroes inching toward independence from Denmark. Greenland looking at 2021 independence date.

Chinese invests in Greenland to help wean it from Denmark. Danish government seeks to keep Greenland under its colonial yoke.

Oceania Timor-Leste opposition wins electionXanana Gusmao expected to serve in new government.
Floating islands planned for French Polynesia. Will have their own governments and crypto-currencies.
Japan holds summit in Iwaki with leaders of Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. China and North Korea on agenda.
Taiwan flags painted by children erased by Australian authorities on orders of Chinese diplomat. Australia: truly, a nation of sheep.
Final Frontier Asteroid 2010 WC9 to pass between Earth and moon. It is the size of the Statue of Liberty.
Second interstellar asteroid enters solar system. 2015 BZ509 follows by a year the entry and departure of Oumuamua.
Octopi may be aliens. Creatures may have arrived on meteors. Bet the store that cicadas, with their unearthly life cycles, arrived the same way.

United States

Memphis politician threatens secession from Tennessee. Neo-confederates in Nashville punish Memphos for removing Confederate statues.
Trump tells cheering crowd in Indiana that he might want to be president-for-life. Another "president-for-life," Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic, "removed" by the CIA:
Scott Pruitt dined in Rome with Cardinal accused of child sexual abuse. Pruitt is a Southern Baptist, so he obviously met with George Pell to give him the support of Trump's pedophile network.
Trump threatens to remove press credentials from hostile news organizations. Springtime for Hitler and America.
Three billionaire and very disloyal American Jews behind Trump pulling out of JCPOA. The terrible trio are Sheldon Adelson, Bernard Marcus, and Paul Singer.
Trump threatens to seal the borders if he doesn't get his wall. We do need a wall but not for the borders. You figure out what it should be used for.
U.S. re-establishes US Navy Seconf Fleet. Area of responsibility includes East Coast and North Atlantic.
Signatures being collected for California Self-Determination Referendum Act. Enough signatures will place Calexit question on 2021 ballot.
Raid of Dr. Bornstein's office by Trump thugs violated federal HIPPA and New York State laws. Trump has no regard for the law nor the Constitution.

Venice threatens secession from Los Angeles. "Vexit" part of a definite trend.


Jewish lobby wants charity tax status revoked for pro-Palestinian organization. Necef Sabeel Canada is accused of publishing an "anti-Semitic" book. Same old whine in the same old bottle.

Canadian Sikh government minister ordered by TSA to remove turban at Detroit airport. U.S. forced to apologize to Canadian government but screener is not fired.

Latin America

Cuba denounces attempt to destabilize Nicaragua. Washington up to its old tricks.
Guatemala expels Swedish and Venezuelan ambassadors. President Jimmy Morales is as mentally unbalanced as Trump and the Philippines' Duterte.
Chile stockpiles Iranian crude oil. US to re-impose sweeping sanctions on November 4.
Morales condemns Free Trade Area of the Americas and similar constructs. Calls them imperialist projects. Which they are.
Guatemala raises flag over new Jerusalem embassy. Paraguay and Honduras following.
China and Dominican Republic establish ties. Dominican relations with Taiwan severed.
Caribbean Barbudans petition Commonwealth to preserve their communal land ownership rights. Antigua wants to sell island to highest bidders,
South Korea moving toward diplomatic ties with Cuba. Seoul bucking U.S. sanctions on Cuba.
NATO promotes colonialism in the 21st century. NATO's colonial five hang on to their colonies.
Haiti reaffirms ties with Taiwan. Minister says government will not follow lead of Dominicans and recognize Beijing.
Antigua PM rejects consultation with Barbudan people as he plans to sell off their island to the highest bidder. Barbudan MP and Opposition Leader cry foul.
Caribbean premiers Alden McLaughlin, Orlando Smith, and David Burt challenge London on financial oversight. Independence talk is in the air in Caymans, BVI, and Bermuda.
Cayman Islands and Bermuda accuse London of colonial overreach. Say British snooping on corporate records is colonial despotism.
Europe Amber Rudd, Theresa May's protege, resigns as Home Secretary. Rudd played a "Trump card" in harassment and deportation of longtime Caribbean residents of Britain.
Montenegro investigative reporter looking into mafia activities shot and injured. Montenegro is ruled by a mafia government protected by NATO and the Rothschilds.
Madrid ruling clique blocks Puigdemont from forming Catalan government. Puigdemont remains in Germany.
Former London mayor says Hitler cooperated with the Zionists. It's true, but Labor is paying a heavy price for telling the truth.
Lesbos protests Greek PM's visit. Islanders object to migrant invasion of their island.
Armenia experiencing a full-blown color revolution. The neocons are back in control in Washington and it shows.
Czech Communist Party offered ministry posts in government. 45 percent of Czechs approve Communists in government.
Fake Art! Etienne Terrus Museum in France discovers over half of its paintings are fake. The culprits can be found to the east. The Middle East.
Middle East Israel to create Jewish-only communities. A little bit of apartheid mixed with a dash of Nazism.
Ayatollah Khamenei reads "Fire and Fury." That's how world leaders have to ascertain what's going on in the "White Nut House."
New "Axis of Evil" forms against Iran. UAE expands its territory.
Netanyahu chef serves Japanese PM and wife dishes in a shoe, considered unclean in Japanese culture. Diplomatic slap came one week after Japan refused to move its embassy to Jerusalem. Ill-mannered Jews: is there a story in that?
Jerusalem names traffic circle after Trump. Good, when Israel ceases to exist and Palestine, once again, rules over its rightful lands, this circle can be named after Yasir Arafat or Muammar Qaddafi.
Israel presented US intelligence fake Iranian nuclear documents said to have been stolen by Mossad from an Iranian warehouse. More Zionist  claptrap, just like the fake Niger yellowcake uranium documents.
UAE invades and occupies Socotra. UAE forces seize airport and seaport, expel Yemeni government officials.
American serving as major general in UAE army. Stephen Toumajan is a former US Army Lt. Colonel.
Israeii Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz threatens Assad with assassination. Israel: state sponsor of terrorism.
UAE and Indian special forces kidnapped daughter of emir of Dubai off the coast of Goa. Sheikha Latifa being held in UAE against her will.
Muharrem Ince is opposition candidate against Erdogan. CHP uniting with right-wing parties to defeat Turkish president.
US Special Operations forces active in all parts of Yemen. Sana'a, Hodeidah, and Aden within "Yemen Joint Special Operations Area."
Iraqi show thrower running for parliament. Muntader al Zaidi demands apology and compensation from US for invasion and occupation.
Netanyahu now has authority to declare war. Stage is set for war with Iran.
Indian sub-continent India and Pakistan to join counter-terror exercise. Part of SCO's operation Peace Mission.
Pakistan Interior Minister Ashan Iqbal shot in assassination attempt. Assailant part of Tehreek-e-Labaik.
China and India hold border meeting in Ladakh. Military commanders meet in Chusul.
Central Asia Kazakhstan abandoning Cyrillic alphabet for Latin style. Country now known as Qazaqstan Respýblıkasy.
Eurasian Economic Union summit planned for Sochi. Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan are members.
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Uzbekistan and Turkey cement ties. Establish High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council.
East & Southeast Asia Mahathir-led opposition defeats ruling party in Malaysia is surprise upset. Incumbent PM Najib Razak tried to prevent Mahathir's accession.
Sarawak for Sarawakians (S4S) wants Kuching to seek more rights for Sarawak from new Malaysian federal government. Sarawak and Sabah want autonomy rights restored.
Hung state assemblies in Sabah, Kedah, and Perak. Defeat of ruling Malaysian party opens door for kingmakers.
Anti-Chinese sentiment in Pahang ahead of elections. Chinese investments stir ire of locals.
Malaysian opposition leader Mahathir Mohamad claims his plane was sabotaged. Police charge him with spreading "fake news."
Africa Opposition demands Madagascar president and prime minister resign. President Hery Rajaonarimampianina is changing election laws.
Ethiopia backing port development in Berbera. Somaliland on the cusp of international recognition as a result of closer relations with Ethiopia and the UAE.
Zanzibar and Oman sign archival accord. Both were once united under same sultanate.
Africa continues to correct colonial geographical names. Swaziland joins the Slave Coast and the Gold Coast.
Zim opposition leader Nelson Chamisa says his party would expel Chinese investors. Anti-Chinese ferver in Africa being stoked externally.
Polar & Remote Islands

Greenland and Faroes inching toward independence from Denmark. Greenland looking at 2021 independence date.

Monster wave near Campbell Island sets world record. Measured at 78 feet high.

South Georgia now free of rats. Now, get to work on the White House and all the two-legged rats infesting the place.

Faroes delays constitution referendum. Parties announce six-month postponement.

Oceania South Australia Premier Steven Marshall may scrap treaties with aboriginals. The "Trump effect" is a global cancer.
Palau ratifies anti-nuke treaty. Nuclear weapons, including US weapons, banned from island nation.
5 Australian MPs resign over their dual citizenship. Too bad the US does not have that rule in order to dump scads of US-Israeli dual citizens from Congress.
Lockheed Martin initiating U.S. Air Force Space Fence on Kwajalein Atoll. Most Marshall Islanders are opposed to U.S. military presence on islands.
Canberra sends a new colonial administrator to Norfolk Island. Eric Hutchinson contnues to dismantle all vestiges of self-government.
Former NZ defense attache in Washington hid camera in unisex toilet in DC embassy. Ex-Commodore Alfred Keating fces maximum 18 months in prison.
Macron in New Caledonia ahead of independence referendum. Colonialists reject notion of Kanak identity.
NZ PM's partner subjected to online smear campaign. Appears to be a well-orchestrated right-wing operation.
Final Frontier Ancient Egyptians on Mars? Weird rock formation discovered.
First cloudless exoplanet discovered. It is called WASP-96b and is a great place to get a tan..

United States

Citizenship data doesn't belong in a census for a democratic nation. And it violates the intent of the framers of the Constitution.

Trump's war cabinet against Iran almost complete. Pompeo and Bolton advocate war with Iran.

Rahm Emanuel cautions Democrats against supporting impeachment. That's because Rahm's tribe is getting exactly all they want, and more, from Trump.

Trump wants to be added to Mount Rushmore. He should be added to a pile of garbage on Staten Island.

FBI broke into Russian consulate in Seattle. Russia protests action.

Assassin of federal judge Robert Vance and civil rights attorney Robert E. Robinson executed in Alabama. Moody was 83, the oldest inmate executed in modern times.

Missouri GOP Governor Greitens hit with second criminal indictment. In addition to sexual assault, he now faces charges of charity fraud. A real Trumper.

Father of former National Security Adviser Gen. H. R. McMaster died from suspicious blunt force trauma to the head at Philadelphia nursing home. Nursing home records falsified in suspicious death.

Thieves stealing checks, bank documents, and birthday cards containing cash out of mail boxes in towns in Bergen, Essex and Passaic counties, New Jersey. Looks like the Kushners are in a new line of business.

GOP donors threaten cut-off of funds to Republican legislators who refuse to back pervert Republican Governor Eric Greitens. GOP: "Gross Old Perverts."

Bolton nothing more than a terrorist. He enjoys killing Arabs and Muslims.


Trudeau and British Columbia government in battle over pipeline. BC refuses to budge in its opposition to pipeline across province.

Newfoundland Municipal Affairs Minister removed from Cabinet over bullying allegations. Eddie Joyce reported to have harassed opposition MPs.

Latin America

Far-right Brazilian presidential candidate charged with inciting hatred. Jair Bolsonaro, the "Brazilian Trump," could get three years in prison.
Lenin Moreno invites the U.S. military back into Ecuador. Rafael Correra expelled the US from the Manta airbase.
Paraguay moving embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Follows Guatemala and U.S.
Nicaragua hit by a Trump administration-directed color revolution. Trump has gone full neocon.
Fraud claimed in Paraguayan vote. Winning right wing candidates = massive fraud.
Independent Mexican presidential candidate Jaime Rodriguez, "El Bronco," says cut off the hands of thieves. He is called the "Mexican Donald Trump."
Six pro-U.S. regimes suspend membership in UNASUR. The "dirty half dozen" are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Paraguay, all fascist backwaters.
Back to the fascist future in Paraguay. Mario Abdo Benítez, the son of fascist dictator Alfredo Stroessner’s private secretary, wins presidency.
Miguel Mario Diaz-Canel Bermudez replaces Raul Castro as Cuban president. Mixed socialist-private enterprise system will continue.
Witness in case against Uribe is assassinated. Uribe, a narco-terrorist former president, is trying for a political comeback.
Bolivia's Morales and Cuba's Parilla hit back at Pence at Lima summit. Pence, like a big baby, gets up and walks out.
Caribbean Passport fraud rocks Antigua and St. Vincent. Doctored passports under investigation.
Independence passions stir in Guadeloupe. Colony remembers Sarkozy's repressive tactics.
Europe Spain's fascist regime now pushing "terrorism" meme against Basques. Rajoy is itching for a civil war between his Francoists and the Catalans and Basques.
Romanian president wants Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă out because of her secret trip to Israel. Israel, like Trump, turns into to crap everything it touches.
Former French prime minister Manuel Valls crosses border to campaign against Catalonian sovereignty. Valls is a textbook quisling.
Trump's first "themed revolution" taking place in Armenia. As neocons take over Trump administration, color revolutions, like those taking place in Nicaragua and Venezuela, will increase in intensity and number.
Romanian president says Social Democratic Party leader lacks authority to move Romanian embassy in Tel Avv to Jerusalem. PSD leader Liviu Dragnea is not only corrupt, but a puppet of the Israelis.
Milo Djukanovic re-elected president of Montenegro. He will ensure the country remains a colony of the Rothschild family.
Middle East British propaganda: an imperial and colonial tradition. And American media consumes as much of it as possible.
Ex-president Gul won't challenge Erdogan in election. He obviously wants to stay out of prison.
Saudis arrest 994,000 people in 4 days. 58 percent are Yemenis.
German ZDF senior correspondent reports Syrian chemical attack was faked. And Trump launched a cruise missile attack based on a lie.
Syrian air defense intercepts possible Israeli missiles fired on eastern Homs. 9 of 12 intercepted.
Indian sub-continent Bhutan caught between two nuclear superpowers. Some Bhutanese want country to become more independent from India.
Former soccer player Bhaichung Bhutia launches new Sikkim political party. Hamro Sikkim to speak for Sikkim issues.
Central Asia Ulan Bator proposed as site for Kim-Trump summit. North Korea favors Mongolian capital because it can be reached by train from Pyongyang.
Russia unhappy with Kazakhstan abstention in UN vote. Fraying relations between Moscow and Astana.
East & Southeast Asia Scandal-ridden politicians attract one another. Japan's PM Shinzo Abe, mired in scandal and expected to resign, meets with scandal-plagued Trump.
Malaysia releases sketches of assassins of Palestinian scientist. Israel applauds assasination.
Mossad suspected of assassination of Hamas figure in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian government investigating "foreign agents."
Pompeo met with Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang. This was done to burnish Pompeo's record for his upcoming Senate confirmation vote to be Secretary of State.
Africa UAE and Somali army sever ties. UAE's close links with Somaililand cited as reason.
Comoros president suspends Constitutional Court. President Azali Assoumani calls court "dysfunctoinal."
Niger Air Base 201, outside of Agadez, is second-largest US military base in Africa, after Djibouti. It's there to target Tuareg seccessionists in Niger and Mali.
Swaziland's King changes name of country to eSwatini. Sounds like a pasta dish on an Italian menu.
Protesters in North West Province, South Africa demand Premier Supra Mahumapelo resign. Premier is seen as too close to the Gupta family.
Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen visits Swaziland. One of the few African countries that maintains relations with Taiwan.
Polar & Remote Islands

BP readies drilling off Sable Island. Area is a major fishing zone. Nova Scotia Liberal government says BP is the "best in the world" on safety. Nova Scotia must not remember Deepwater Horizon. Nova Scotia Liberals sound like they'd make great Trump voters.

Pro-mining business-oriented party doubles vote in Greenland. Coalition talks in progress.

Oceania Ukrainian national detained in Solomon Islands. Man illegally entered Fauro Islands in the Shortland Islands from PNG. There's a strong odor of gefilte fish with this story.
ANZUS squawks, "the Chinese are coming! Same old trick from the 1970s and 80s regarding the Soviets, Libyans, and Cubans.
Final Frontier 51 Pegasi b -- the first discovered exoplanet. It began a parade of planets.
Uranus smells like farts. No, really.
Polygon figures on Mars formed by mud. Remnants of lakes.

United States

Ex-House Speaker Boehner joins marijuana firm's advisory board. How's that weed go with the merlot, Mr. Speaker?

Summing up John Kelly's neighborhood of Oak Square, Boston. Traditional racism and utter hypocrisy.

Census citizenship question presents opportunity for abuse. Just as Arab-Americans and Japanese-Americans.

Trump called only victim of Trump Tower fire a "crazy Jew." Perhaps, instead of Robert Mueller interviewing Trump, he should be paid a visit by NYPD homicide detectives and NYFD arson investigators.

DHS compiling database of journalists and bloggers. Hello Big Brother! Good-bye First Amendment.


Toronto police announces Project Mercury, an international anti-pedophile investigation. Operation also involves, Homeland Security Investigations in Ottawa, the U.K.’s National Crime Agency, the Ottawa Police Service, and the RCMP’s Saskatchewan I.C.E. Unit.

Trudeau nixes Canadian air strikes against Syria. Cites Canadian military commitments in Latvia and Mali.

Latin America

Uruguayan Communist Party condemns Brazil's move the jail ex-President Lula. El Popular writes it is a "coup within the coup."
Bolivia's Evo Morales condemns tripartite miltary attack on Syria. Says, "yesterday, they claimed the presence of fake weapons of mass destruction for invading Iraq and today they are firing their missiles under the same pretext."
Kushner and Ivanka, along with VP Pence, representing Trump at Summit of the Americas in Peru. Kushner should join the Israeli observer delegation. WMR's mascot is also "Lula" --->

Over 60 opposition party members in Brazilian Congress adopt Lula's name in support of imprisoned ex-president and current presidential candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
Sessions up to his usual no good in indicting FARC senator in Colombia. Jesus Santrich, a former FARC peace negotiator, faces extradition to Trump America on drug charges. Right-wingers won't rest until the entire FARC leadership is sitting in U.S. prisons.
Panamanian President won't help Trump recover Ocean Club tower in Panama City. Trump has likely ordered John Bolton to draw up war plans on Panama.
Colombia applies for OECD membership. Hopes to join the developed nations club.
Barbados Consul General dies in Miami. Colin Mayers was a graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach.
Caribbean Sánchez Ramírez province in DR demands Barrick royalty payment from central government. Barrick's Pueblo Viejo gold mining complex is located in province.
Three arrested in assassination plot against Guyanese President David Granger. Trio made threatening calls by phone.
Puerto Rico closing a third of its schools. More post-hurricane disruption caused by depopulation.
Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration in Barbados calls for Lula's release from Brazilian prison. Lula imprisoned in Curitiba.
Europe Massive opposition in Britain to bombing Syria. Opposition demands Commons vote on such action.
Cyprus government not aware of British plans to use island to bomb Syria. Says it hopes further military operation won't take place.
Spanish fascist regime targeting Catalonian grass roots committees. Madrid junta likens Catalan activists to "terrorists." An old fascist game.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich says international relations should not depend on the mood of one person when he wakes up in the morning. Yes, the future of the world "depends" on how much crap is in Trump's adult undergarment when he stirs in the morning.
Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox offices in London raided by EU investigators. Between Michael Cohen and Rupert Murdoch, law enforcement's experiencing its golden years.

Rajoy junta arrests Catalan activist and charges her with terrorism. Rajoy, the useless King, and their fellow fascistas have crossed a red line.
United Nations Human Rights Committee warns Spain on Jordi Sanchez's right to be Catalan president.
Orban wins sweeping vistory in Hungary. Soros's operations are in sights.
Middle East Israelis shoot Palestinian journalist wearing vest emblazoned with PRESS. Netanyahu is giving Trump ideas.
Three Muslim Crown Princes stake their claims. Crown Princes of Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and Johor flexing political muscle.
Israel hoping for breakup of Jordan into Palestinian and Bedouin states. Then, the Zionists can forcibly move West Bank Palestinians across the Jordan River into the new Palestinian Jordan state. It's called "lebensraum," which is as much as Yiddish word, as it is German.
Turkey holding two Greek soldiers hostage. Ankara wants to exchange them for 8 Turkish soldiers who sought asylum in Greece.
Saudis threaten to build canal along border with Qatar. Move would turn Qatar into an island.
Houthis claim drone strike on Saudi Aramco facility in Jizan. Also claim hit on Abha International Airport in Saudi Arabia's Asir province.
Indian sub-continent India boycotting SARCC summit in Pakistan. No word on other no-shows.
China "opposed to the use of force" in Syria. Says US-UK-French attack violation of international law.
Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) forms pro-sharia coalition in Pakistan. Group to run in upcoming elections.
Canadian running Himalayan Community Foundation in Kathmandu arrested for pedophilia. The foundation is linked to Soros's operations in Nepal.
Central Asia Kyrgyz President Sooronbai Jeenbekov fires security chief. Abdil Segizbayev formerly worked for George Soros's foundation.
Ilham Aliyev receives 86 percent of the vote in sham Azerbaijan election. 74.5 percent turnout claimed.
Kyrgyz protesters burn Makmal G.L Developing gold processing plant. Gold miners are notorious polluters.
North Korean delegation visits Tajikistan. Trade on agenda.
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange to have its hooks into new Astana stock exchange. Israeli intelligence ikes to use "cyber-security" as a pretext for getting its nose under the tent.
Crown Prince of Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim slams opposition; tells voters to trust in the royal family. Crown princes of Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and Johor making a lot of noise all of a sudden.
East & Southeast Asia Thaw in relations between Beijing and Pyongyang is clear message to Washington. Trump's war talk behind rapprochement.
Sweden charges Tibetan agent for China with espionage. Dorjee Gyantsan arrested for spying on Sweden's small Tibetan community.
Formosa Alliance pushes for Taiwan's independence. Groups wants the Republic of Taiwan in the UN.
Africa New Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed visits Somali Regional State. Region home to numerous refugees.
Ghana MP refused entry to Israel. Israeli ambassador to Ghana Ami Mehel claims on Ghana radio that there is no Palestine and that visa refusal for MP Ras Mubarak is "bullshit." In truth, it is the concept of a state founded on some ancient fairy tales that is bullshit. The racist Jewish state has been banning a number of African officials, as of late.
Somalia seizes UAE jet with US$9.6 million in cash on board. 47 UAE troops were on board, some held at gunpoint.
Mauritania offline for 48 hours after African Coast to Europe (ACE) submarine cable severed. Cable likely snagged by a fishing trawler.
Three Gulen educators arrested in Gabon and turned over to Erdogan's regime. Erdogan has adopted the Bush-Cheney rendition operation.
Djibouti a base for many military powers. U.S. and Chinese bases are almost neighbors.
Polar & Remote Islands

Argentine Defense Minister Oscar Aguad implies Falklands are British. Comments spark protests in Argentina.

St. Helena to exchange information with UK police. With new airport, St. Helena wants to check on criminal backgrounds.

Oceania NZ PM Ardern visits Niue, where her father serves as High Commissioner. Visit reminds Niueans and Kiwis of 1953 murder of NZ Commissioner.
Vanuatu opposition leader warning about Chinese influence. Ishmael Kalsakau is acting as Australia's colonial surrogate.
Australian media ratcheting up Cold War fever over China in Vanuatu. This is a classic propaganda campaign about Chinese economic might arriving in Australia's "backyard."
Australian PM warns China and Vanuatu against Chinese military base in island nation. Vanuatu’s Foreign Minister Ralph Regenvanu rejects report about planned base.
Final Frontier First hotel planned for space orbit. Aurora Station now taking reservations.
NASA's TESS will look for exoplanets. Discovery will not solely rely on mathematical analysis.
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